Messages left with donations in support of the NSPCC for the event 'Nihad's Great North Run' Nice one Nihad! Loving the outfit :) Tess Tessa Ocallaghan 15 September 2015 I'll make it even for you. Well done! Anonymous 14 September 2015 Good Luck Nihad! I hope it all goes really well-sorry I can't be there to chivvy you on! Sophie x Anonymous 11 September 2015 Go Nihad, Go, but I think all this monkey business may well increase your finish time. Last nights run was a fantastic time, just keep focused, you can do it. You ran at a much quicker pace than Steve and I cycled last night!!! We will be cheering you on come Sunday. Good Luck xxx Barbara Cook 07 September 2015 Good luck!! I would like you to wear a tortoise outfit with a sign saying 'Slow and Steady Wins the Race' Green tortoise = NSPCC colour enjoy! xxx Nejra Cehic 27 June 2015 Good Luck Nihad, delighted to get you started on your way to £800! Jackie Jacqueline Anne Dawson 27 February 2015 Good luck Nihad! Such a lovely tribute to Caoimhe. Rosalind Parry 27 February 2015